Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Something Old, Something Not So New

Tears and a Clown, 16"x 20", oil on canvas, 2005

Freedom, 16"x 20", oil on canvas, 2004

Balloon man' 16"x20", oil on canvas, 2005

Chairs, alkyd house paint,cloth,leather,1998


  1. Dear one, I miss those chairs!! I described them to my furniture maker husband, but I am glad to see the pictures to show him. Meeting you at the Aurora Arts and Design event was special, and Elizabeth and I have corresponded and talked about you. Jacci emails regarding the sales she is going to put on, and I have warm fuzzy feelings all over about being part of a classy bunch of artists and art lovers. You are a fantastic artist, Mnetha, and I encourage you to keep going. Much love and light! Chris Dec (of You can always email me at

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